
Thermometers for the Home Kitchen

There are three basic ways of preparing food thermometer that available to consumers. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most important warning here is be careful how you use it, that is actually read and follow the instructions. Otherwise, you can only think that you are always the right temperature of the food. We will start with the classic thermometers get your feet wet and then move on to two other types.

The Classic: The bi-metal thermometers

Remember that anything with a round dial on a long handle made ​​of metal, that mom and dad in a turkey or pot roast are set? This was a bi-metal thermometers also known as meat thermometer. It's been since the 19th Century. The thermometers are basic, uses the bi-metal thermometers two different types of metals in coil (inside the metal stick or stem) formed, which contract and expand depending on the temperature to which they are exposed.

The round dial converts read the contractions and expansions in a Celsius and Fahrenheit. It is important to note that get the most accurate reading of the coil wrapped metals are immersed up to a point designated by a dimple on the stem must. Partial immersion, that do not reach the dimple in inaccurate measurements. Assuming that the dimple on the stem is higher than a few inches off the ground, the thermometer can not be used to measure the temperature of the chicken breast, potatoes, steaks, etc. It is primarily used with the thicker, rounder meat such as roasts.

Pros: Inexpensive

Disadvantages: It is not as accurate as modern thermometer readings and the slower.

